Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon).
Praying. Teaching. Baptizing.
Serving the Lord and living life to the fullest.
Sleeping and eating at the home of a church member.
In a backyard casita they nicknamed the 'Shed.'

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year's end at ldseldershed

Missionary Christmas Tree!

FedExd on 10Dec08 to Elder Gottfredson, an LDS missionary serving Van Ness Ward, living at the pre-shed apartment address (5285 N San Pablo #102 Frs CA 93704).  It was sent from the Korndoerfer family, Racine WI.
The 3' Aspen Spruce 'Trim Merry' Christmas tree with 50 clear lights
is still giving joy 3 years later.

There are lots of fun holiday crafts and decorations about the place!

Bouncing, singing Snowman! Santa's Marching Band!
One of these musical items reportedly healed the souls
 of at least one ldseldershed companionship.

True story. 

Farewell to Elder from second shed companionship

Josh hugs Elder Flournoy at his farewell Nov 29.
Elder Flournoy served in Van Ness ward from Jul 14-Sep 25 last year 
& was the 2nd companionship in the shed.

Thanksgiving 2011

Thank-you note from Elder Burstall and Elder Cook after Thanksgiving dinner 2010 at Josh & Katie's.
Note is still on their refrigerator one year later.

Mormon.org profiles help missionary teaching

(Post-it left on shedlord's laptop Sep 26. Also on Oct 6 & 12)

"Thank you for letting us use your computer.
 you're the best, bro D!
-The Elders"  
(Casper & Constantino)

Shedknight goes home! 2 missionary farewells

Oct 16
Elder Tua'itanu and Elder Casper

Tua'itanu's second shed companion was Elder Dyreng (r). Dyreng caught up with Bro D on Oct 1 at the Peach building during General Conference priesthood session.

On Oct 14. Elders Casper (l) and Constantino used the laptop one last time at Bro D's to look up new Mormon.org profiles. Casper's farewell was two days later. 
Elder Constantino transferred into Van Ness Ward on Sep 7 and was still serving there at year's end.

Elder Casper (r) with an exchange companion for the day.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finally a dip in the pool!

Former shed tenant Christian Burstall made a quick trip back to Fresno over Labor Day weekend Sep 1-5. He stayed in the shed's main house, and tried out the shed pool for the first time!

Throughout his eight-month shed occupancy as a missionary, Burstall couldn't use the pool (except for baptisms - that would've been okay :)  But swimming is forbidden for all missionaries.

Even during July 2010's days of 110-plus temps, Burstall and Elder Flournoy  -- in soaked-in-sweat white shirts and ties and dress slacks -- walked right past the pool several times a day.  

During his return to town, Burstall jumped in.

Burstall holds two shed records: He was the first occupant (with companion Randy Wellbaum). He also stayed the longest (May 26, 2010 to Feb 7, 2011).  

On Saturday, (l-r) Elders Ramos, Casper and Carlson caught up with Burstall.

Elders Ramos, Casper & Carlson's surprise running into Burstall.
Carlson himself is an ex-shedling of four months, from Mar 23 to Jul 24, 2011.

Original shedling Christian Burstall with Elders Ramos, Casper & Carlson.

Lil Girl remembers the shed's first occupant.

Burstall crashes on Jangles' bed at Josh & Katie's.

On Sunday, he blessed the sacrament at Van Ness ward. 
Members had lots of smiles and hugs for the RM who served in their ward for half of his two-year mission, which also may be a precedent.

On Saturday, Burstall embraced Josh outside his home in Clovis, and had dinner with him and Katie.

On other days, he had fun in the pool!

His Last Summer in Fresno. 

Elder who spent 2 transfers in the shed finishes his mission

Elder Moreno celebrates with Bro & Sis Ashby and Sis & Bro Cox
after his farewell testimony meeting Sep 6 at west stake center. 

Elder Moreno was a shed occupant from Feb 9 to May 3. His  
companions were Elder Tua'itanu and Elder Carlson. 

He was a bilingual missionary in the California Fresno Mission, and served in both English- and Spanish-speaking wards.
Elder Moreno was committed to his mission and worked hard in the field. When his dad died at the beginning of his mission, he stayed in Fresno and taught and served.

He was scheduled to fly home to Mexico City Sep 7. He stayed a few weeks, attending Fresno Stake Conference on Sep 18.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Elders on the move again

Sunday Aug 14 was the last night in the shed for Elders Turner and Clawson.

The Riverview missionaries relocated Monday Aug 15 to an apartment near Ingram and Nees, within their ward boundaries.

They’ll be a little farther from their ward building (Maroa/Barstow) but a few miles closer to members and people they'll be teaching.

The huge Riverview ward’s southern boundary is Herndon.
Its far-flung geography spreads from Van Ness Blvd on the west, to Millbrook on the east, to Children’s Hospital in Madera County on the north.

Lots of miles every day on bikes.

Lots and lots of miles!

The shed will be vacant for a time while it undergoes major cleaning and re-painting.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Housing elders is a blessing

[Excerpted from thank-you note in today's mail]

Dear Brother D,

Thank you for your kind generosity!

I hope you know how you blessed the mission, and the missionary work!

You are a doll!

Sister Williams
Mission Housing Coordinator

Monday, August 15, 2011

Two by two

Q: Mormon missionaries always travel in (what)?
Answer: ‘pairs.’

A horrified driver learned that lesson last Tuesday night at a Palm/Herndon crosswalk when the car she was driving collided with a bike ridden by Elder Turner.
At a right-on-red, after yielding to his companion, the driver accelerated directly into Turner on his fast-moving bike. It spun 180, crashing Turner to the pavement. Luckily he escaped with scratches & bruises, bike survived too.
The shaken driver stopped, & aided the elder on the ground. 'I thought there was only one of you,' she said. She gave her name/address, & the mission home was called.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tenth companionship

Shed welcomes new Riverview ward elder.

Elder Clawson (l) and
Elder Turner

Clawson, of Gallatin MO, moved into the shed Jul 27. He transferred from Coalinga.

Turner, of Silver Spring MD, has been serving in Riverview but living near the Mission office.
His first night in the shed was Jul 25.

About the elders:
- Clawson's family moved to Missouri from Troy TX in 2008. They now live two miles from Adam-ondi-Ahman. His dad's ancestors were LDS pioneers who settled Far West.
- Currently the Clawson family's temple district is St. Louis MO (5 hours away), even though two temples are closer: Nauvoo IL (4 hours) and Winter Quarters NE (3 hours). In 2012, the Kansas City temple under construction will open and cut their travel time to about one hour.
- Prior to his mission, Clawson completed one semester at Northwest Missouri State University where he majored in Theatre Performance. He wants to major in Film.
- Clawson has completed 14 months of his 24-month mission.

- Turner's been on his mission five months. Best part so far? Gets to be with the scriptures 24/7. Worst part? Giving up secular music for two years.
- Before his mission, he attended a local community college and majored in Building Construction.
- Turner likes Fresno's summer, especially the lower humidity compared to Wash DC (near his home). 'Back east, when you sit in the shade, you still sweat like a pig,' he said.
- Turner loves to bike, easily covering 200-plus miles every week in the spread-out Riverview ward. Last Friday he and his companion logged 40 miles. They biked to an investigator's house in Rolling Hills north of Children's Hospital in Madera County, then to Millbrook and Alluvial, and ended on Van Ness extension near Fig Garden Golf Course.
- Turner's dad, Grant, served his mission in California too, in Arcadia (L.A. area).

'The companions change, but the pizsters live on' - Callburst, 7/23/11


In former-shed missionary news this week...
Christian Burstall, home 6 months from his mission, announced his engagement to the beautiful Janell Poole. The BYU-I students and Texas residents are planning to wed in the Houston temple in December or January.
Congratulations to the happy couple!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ninth companionship

The shed is now home to Riverview ward elders who moved in on Jul 25.
The companionship will change in two days during 6-week transfers.

Elder Diderichsen (l) and
Elder Turner

Diderichsen (r) of Houston TX, will be transferring to Porterville.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Van Ness moves out! Riverview moves in

End of an era.
Van Ness ward Elders Carlson (r) and Dyreng (l) said 'goodbye' to the shed and the shedlord on Jul 25.
VN ward missionaries have been in the shed since it opened in May 2010.
They'll be relocating nearer to the Mission office.
Carlson's new comp will be Elder Casper (c), from SLC who transferred from Porterville.
Dyreng will transfer to North stake, Heritage ward.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Shed redux

After spending their P-day in Yosemite, Elder Tua'itanu (l) returned to the shed Monday night on an exchange with Elder Dyreng. It was Tua'itanu's first visit back in almost four months.
First thing he did when the clock struck 9:30 p.m.? Came into the main house, went in the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and yelled, "Where's a gold can?" Tua'itanu said he misses the shed, "And the shedlord!"
He spent two transfers in the shed Dec 29 - Mar 20 with two companions, Elder Burstall and Elder Moreno.
He's now an assistant to the Mission President and serves Peachwood ward.

Jun 20
A difference of taste

Corn dogs & milk for lunch? Not for Elder Roberts (r).
He’s from Indiana so he likes the corn part, he said.
Milk is Elder Dyreng’s favorite bev: his family milks 800 cows daily on their 1,000-acre ranch in Utah. They sell most of it to one of the nation’s biggest dairy cooperatives.

May 27
Hannah says hello to Elder Dyreng in the driveway at the start of the g-kids' two-week visit to papa's house over Memorial Day 'til Jun 12.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Shed's 1 Year Anniversary!

One year ago today the shed opened,
and, within a few weeks,
ldseldershed blog launched.

Fast-forward a year and missionary life in the shed goes on.

Last night's exchange from Alluvial ward was Elder Roberts (r), of Salem IN.
He and Elder Carlson spent a few minutes of anniversary day on mormon.org.

May 26, 2010
During this week last year, there was room painting, carpet cleaning, curtain hanging and shelving installation.

The first Van Ness ward missionaries to call the shed home were Elders Wellbaum & Burstall.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Of cats and Korea

May 14
Elder Carlson & Chloe, a nightly ritual of mutual affection.

May 17
Elder Lee (r) visits the shed for pizza with Elder Dyreng during an exchange with Woodward Park ward. After his mission, Lee plans to return home to Seoul, South Korea where he'll complete 21 months of mandatory military training. After that, he hopes to get an engineering degree while serving another 7 years required military service.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eighth companionship

Elder Dyreng and
Elder Carlson

May 4, 2011

May 2
Elder Moreno's last night in the shed (and last nightly quesadilla :(

May 3
Last night of his mission for original co-shedling Elder Wellbaum, who said goodbye to friends (after 2 years in Fresno) at a Farewell Testimony Meeting at West Stake Center.

May 3
First day of his mission (and first visit in the shed!) for Elder Reguero (r) from Chino CA, who spent the day with (from l) Elders Thurman, Carlson and Moreno.