Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon).
Praying. Teaching. Baptizing.
Serving the Lord and living life to the fullest.
Sleeping and eating at the home of a church member.
In a backyard casita they nicknamed the 'Shed.'

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tenth companionship

Shed welcomes new Riverview ward elder.

Elder Clawson (l) and
Elder Turner

Clawson, of Gallatin MO, moved into the shed Jul 27. He transferred from Coalinga.

Turner, of Silver Spring MD, has been serving in Riverview but living near the Mission office.
His first night in the shed was Jul 25.

About the elders:
- Clawson's family moved to Missouri from Troy TX in 2008. They now live two miles from Adam-ondi-Ahman. His dad's ancestors were LDS pioneers who settled Far West.
- Currently the Clawson family's temple district is St. Louis MO (5 hours away), even though two temples are closer: Nauvoo IL (4 hours) and Winter Quarters NE (3 hours). In 2012, the Kansas City temple under construction will open and cut their travel time to about one hour.
- Prior to his mission, Clawson completed one semester at Northwest Missouri State University where he majored in Theatre Performance. He wants to major in Film.
- Clawson has completed 14 months of his 24-month mission.

- Turner's been on his mission five months. Best part so far? Gets to be with the scriptures 24/7. Worst part? Giving up secular music for two years.
- Before his mission, he attended a local community college and majored in Building Construction.
- Turner likes Fresno's summer, especially the lower humidity compared to Wash DC (near his home). 'Back east, when you sit in the shade, you still sweat like a pig,' he said.
- Turner loves to bike, easily covering 200-plus miles every week in the spread-out Riverview ward. Last Friday he and his companion logged 40 miles. They biked to an investigator's house in Rolling Hills north of Children's Hospital in Madera County, then to Millbrook and Alluvial, and ended on Van Ness extension near Fig Garden Golf Course.
- Turner's dad, Grant, served his mission in California too, in Arcadia (L.A. area).

'The companions change, but the pizsters live on' - Callburst, 7/23/11


In former-shed missionary news this week...
Christian Burstall, home 6 months from his mission, announced his engagement to the beautiful Janell Poole. The BYU-I students and Texas residents are planning to wed in the Houston temple in December or January.
Congratulations to the happy couple!!

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