Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon).
Praying. Teaching. Baptizing.
Serving the Lord and living life to the fullest.
Sleeping and eating at the home of a church member.
In a backyard casita they nicknamed the 'Shed.'

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Elders on the move again

Sunday Aug 14 was the last night in the shed for Elders Turner and Clawson.

The Riverview missionaries relocated Monday Aug 15 to an apartment near Ingram and Nees, within their ward boundaries.

They’ll be a little farther from their ward building (Maroa/Barstow) but a few miles closer to members and people they'll be teaching.

The huge Riverview ward’s southern boundary is Herndon.
Its far-flung geography spreads from Van Ness Blvd on the west, to Millbrook on the east, to Children’s Hospital in Madera County on the north.

Lots of miles every day on bikes.

Lots and lots of miles!

The shed will be vacant for a time while it undergoes major cleaning and re-painting.

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